martes, enero 30, 2007

Paris Hilton como nunca antes..!

Paris... Hilton...

Hemos visto hasta los rincones mas reconditos de su estrecho cuerpito...

Ahora les presento una "exclusiva". Veremos una faceta de Paris nunca antes vista..!

Como suelo decir... Sit back and relax...

jueves, enero 18, 2007

Un UpDate* en la campagna de Animals Matter to Me:.

Holaaa a todos!!... Hoy recibi un correo de la organizacion "Animals Matter to Me' donde me cuentan lo que hemos avanzado en nuestra meta de conseguir que los gobiernos de todo el mundo tomen conciencia sobre el respeto que merecen los animalitos de nuestro planeta.
Como los he invitado a participar en esta campagna aqui les copio el correo para que esten enterados de nuestros avances en la lucha!

~ "Welcome to the first update of 2007! Since November, the Animals Matter to Me campaign has made significant progress on the route to achieving international recognition of the importance of animal welfare. We have been busy talking directly to governments about the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare and what it aims to achieve.
The world is becoming more aware of the problems of climate change, overpopulation, and threats to human health. Better treatment of animals can help tackle all of these issues – this is why we need a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare now!
Animals matter everywhere in the world: so far over 400,000 people from 182 countries have signed the petition - but we need more!!
We want 2007 to be the year we reach the 1 million mark – and we need your help! You can spread the word to your family, friends, and colleagues; post banners on your websites; download petitions and take them to local events…and keep us updated with how you’re doing!
Thanks for all your support, and we wish you all a successful 2007!
Nick, Leah, Justine & Alyx
The Animals Matter to Me team"

No nos olvidemos de este proyecto y sigamos reenviando las peticiones a nuestros contactos para conseguir mas firmas, mas peso y mas atencion!
Gracias a todos por colaborar...